Year: 1982
FDC made in the Soviet Union for comemmorating Radio Day. The text on the envelop reads:”Radio Day Holiday. Radio Workers In All branches”.
Radio Day, Communications Workers’ Day (as it is officially known in Russia) is a commemoration of the development of radio in Russia. It takes place on 7 May, the day in 1895 on which Alexander Stepanovich Popov demonstrated a radio based lightning detector.
Popov’s device was just a radio receiver, he would not develop a radio transmitter until over a year later (a year and a half after Guglielmo Marconi developed a similar device. Popov’s presentation was declared the “inventor of radio” in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe..
The first Radio Day was observed in the Soviet Union in 1945, on the 50th anniversary of Popov’s experiment, and some four decades after his death. Radio Day is officially marked in Russia and Bulgaria.
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